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ShylphではChain Rattingをする場合、以下のとおり行ってください。
Chain Ratting;Beltを徘徊しながらNPCを倒していく行為
Chain Ratting;Beltを徘徊しながらNPCを倒していく行為
これ、Hand Bookですが・・・
Sylph Alliance Leadership:
Sylph operates as an oligarchy. Nine seats are to govern the Alliance. The seats are as follows:
President of Sylph: Drakmor
Alliance Operations: 2 Seats
Praetorian Warrior
Fleet Operation: 2 Seats
Industrial Operations: 2 Seats
Diplomatic Operations: 2 Seats
Nhod Which
Omacron Theta
The Order of Succession is paramount in an organization of this size. In the event of an absence of the President, in the event of a tie vote the order of succession will be used to determine who will act as President. The Executor of Operations with the greatest seniority as a member of Sylph will act as President. The intent of this directive is to ensure an odd member of executors on all directives thereby ensuring a clear result on all voting actions.
Roles and Responsibilities:
(The role of the President is to set direction for the alliance and moderate the discussion of the Executors. He may only execute his vote if there is a tie present in the Executor Council.)
Oversight and Review of all Executors
Defining strategic goals
Cast vote in the event of a tie in the Executor’s Council
Lend a hand where needed in staffing and support of all 4 Executor offices
Executor of Operations
Manage all corporations executives
Define and collect tithes and taxes
Ensure alliance assets are marshaled and available for Fleet and Industry
Ensure communication with all corporation leadership
Executor of Fleet:
Manage all Fleet resources
Super Capitals
Large ships
Small ships
Establish training manuals an formal standing military arm of Sylph
Maintain standards of operations
Coordinate Military operations
Asses military threats
Define resources to maintain operational tempo (Manpower/Ships)
Evaluate military condition of Sylph and report weekly
Executor Industry
Manage all alliance industrial objectives
Utilize resources provided by operations to achieve objectives
Report on market opportunities as present
Define resources to meet fleet and industrial needs
Evaluate financial condition of Sylph and report weekly
Executor Diplomacy
Maintain steady flow of new corporation to Sylph
Train and indoctrinate new corps on sylph policy and conduct hand off from diplomacy to operations once new corp status is translated into full corp status
Manage inter corp relations
Manage Alliance relations with neighbors
Define current Blue/Red conditions
Maintain Positive Sylph presence on the private and public forums
Report on PR issues as they reflect on sylph
Administrative Notes:
Need’s will be defined by Fleet, Industry and the President. Those needs will be met by Operations. Latitude is at the discretion of Operations when considering how to marshal the resources of the alliance. Weekly and biweekly discussion with CEO’s will enable the operations team to resolve problems.
Ratting Policy:
While in Sylph space the following ratting rules apply:
Chain the Belts
If there are 2 Battleships and 3 others you can kill both battleships and 2 of the others. Leave at least one ship in the belt from a double battleship spawn alive.
If there is only 1 battleship in the spawn then you can wipe the entire spawn.
If there are no battleships in the spawn you can wipe the entire spawn.
Clean up your Belt
Loot and salvage any wreck that you produce
Destroy the wreck
Notify someone that they can salvage and loot your wreck, (you are still responsible for the wreck until it is removed however)
Chat Channel Policy:
All Non-Corp Specific Chat Channels to include Local
Foul language will not be tolerated.
Smack talk will not be tolerated.
No friendly fleet movements are to be announced.
Jumpbridge/POS Passwords are not to be announced.
This is an intel channel only not a social chat channel.
Report Reds in this channel.
The alliance social channel.
Any type of respectful conversation can be held here.
This is the CVA intel channel.
Report Reds in this channel.
This is the Sylph Sponsored intel channel
Report Reds in this channel.
CEO Council
This channel is for CEO’s can the senior Corp leadership to meet together and with Alliance Leadership.
Other channels
There are other channels within the alliance and you will be invited as needed into the specific channel if required.
Empire Operations:
Sylph Alliance is a 0.0 based Alliance and as such “ANY” Empire operation conducted by an individual corporation does so at its own risk. The alliance does not support “ANY” empire operation that the individual corporation may be involved with/conducting.
War Declarations:
Sylph Alliance is a 0.0 based Alliance and as such “ANY” Empire operation conducted by an individual corporation does so at its own risk. The alliance does not support “ANY” empire operation that the individual corporation may be involved with/conducting. While Sylph Alliance is involved in a war comply with the following:
There is 24 hours prior to the start of the war, gather large quantities of Empire goods and move them to 0.0 so that required trips to Empire are reduced.
Stop all Empire Operations.
Use out of alliance characters to transport POS fuel.
Work with other corps within the alliance for the transport of large items.
If a trip is needed into Empire then go in a full PVP fleet for security.
War Decs will last as long as the easy kills continue.
No Empire POS’s will be supported as Sylph is a 0.0 Alliance.
i.e. if your empire pos comes under attack during a war then you are on your own to defend it.
If you get into combat in Empire you are on your own.
Forum Policy:
At no time will flaming be tolerated.
Post professional conversations and be mature about responses.
Foul language will not be tolerated.
All corporation members are required to register.
All registrations must follow the same naming convention: [corp ticker] ingame name.
Example: [CSDW] Drakmor
Failure to follow the naming convention will result in your registration being deleted until you register correctly.
Below are some additional guidelines for forum use. Adherence to these guidelines should help bring fruitful discussions to the forums, while avoiding flaming and sniping.
Threads are started for many reasons. To inform. To ask questions. To provoke discussion on an issue or topic of interest. To debate. To explore. So we need to put the most thought into WHY we started a thread. Did we start it for any of these reasons? If not - why are we posting it at all? Think about why you are posting and give yourself an honest answer. Because if you can't come up with a good reason for making the post, people who read it probably won't either.
Thread titles are important. Sensationalism in a thread title can provoke interest, but go overboard with it and it becomes like the boy who cried wolf. Factual thread titles are useful. If people want to search for the subject matter then it really helps people find the thread again. Especially if there is new information to add, or they want to link to it in a tangential thread. So funny is good, sensational isn't bad, bizarre is okay, informative is excellent. Informative + any of the other things is probably the best there is. Keeping them reasonably short and to the point is an excellent idea as well. Remember, those with lower resolutions read this forum as well and borking their screen with huge strings of long titles isn't very nice. Shouting (using all capitals), also isn't considered very polite in thread titles, or in the bulk of your thread.
The OP, or opening post, is the most important post in any thread. It sets the tone of the thread, and is often the only thing people will read. This is unfortunate though. However the OP really can make or break a thread from the start. Linking information for information's sake is bad form. Found an interesting article about wolves and how they actually never attack humans? Great! But posting up the article without telling us how you feel about that isn't a good way of starting things off. Do you think this is a good thing? A bad thing? An interesting thing because it challenges your beliefs? Did your grandmother get eaten by a wolf which is why you find it interesting? This is all stuff that will help the thread evolve. News we can get from lots of sites on the net, personal opinion we can't. Even more important, opinion from other sylphians we can't get anywhere but here. We have a wonderful collection of people here, from all walks of life and with all sorts of past experiences. It's a wonderful resource for expanding your mind and opening yourself up to new and fresh ways of thinking about things. Use it.
Information without quoting sources is bad. Copy and paste is okay, but making sure you quote the link where the information came from is mandatory. That out of the way, if you are trying to discuss things, backing your arguments up with links for resources for those interested is a wonderful way of
Making yourself look smart
Giving people who are interested some things to look at they may not have seen before
Giving weight to your argument (as well as making yourself look smart).
Do your research. Asking a question in the OP that can be simply googled for or wiki'd is a sure fire way of creating a thread that just makes you look dumb. If you don't understand what is coming up - then ask. But show that you have at least put a little effort into finding out yourself.
Don't make yourself look like a troll. Controversial subjects are not verboten here, but be aware of what you are posting and that there may be vehemently dissenting opinion.
Killboard Policy:
All kills must be posted.
All losses must be posted.
No flaming will be tolerated on killmails.
Member Respect:
At no time will a member of Sylph engage in hostile action another Sylph pilot, (this includes simply locking), without the consent of the other member.
At no time will a member of Sylph treat another member with dis-respect or contempt.
If you have a problem with a member then either work it out individually on a professional level or bring your issue to the CEO of the corporation in question. Be prepared to produce chat-logs.
This applies to the forums as well.
Sylph Rules of Engagement (RoE):
SYLPH is “Not Red Don’t Shoot” (NRDS). This means if a character is not red to Sylph Alliance you cannot engage them unless they engage you first. No exceptions to this rule exist. Alliance standings are considered authoritative, and corp or personal standings are not to be considered for purposes of engagement.
It requires a Senior Fleet Commander or an Executive Committee member to authorize the shooting of a non-red pilot.
All corporations are requested to clear their current standings and adopt Sylph standings settings.
The following alliances should be set to +5 standings to your corporation to prevent friendly fire POS incidents:
Paxton Federation
(more to be added as needed)
In the CEO section of the forum there is a subforum dealing with Sylph alt corps who should have standings set to +10. Please confirm each standing in its respective thread.
All members are of course to defend themselves in cases of aggression.
Please post all incidents to the standings forums so we can get folks set red who need to be.
This ROE is not open for discussion, debate and/or dispute. CEO's please make sure your members are informed as it will not be changing.
Industrial Operations:
Industry Executor: Aaquille
Asst. Industry Executor: Minsebstor
Ingame Chat Channel: Sylph Industry Chat (PW = muffin)
Main Operations Based @ BR-N97 Station (Mortarion Curze)
All Industry Operations will be announced by ingame mail, and posted in the Sylph Industry Chat MOTD.
Industry Donations can be contracted to Fries Withthat
Mining Operations (Ore & Ice)
Fleeting up will begin 15 to 30 min prior to start of Operation.
Orders will be conducted on Ventrillo (Mining Chans). Chat is allowed unless someone says CLEAR COMS. (This means something important needs to be relayed to the Operation.
Fleet Squads will be named. Free move will be on. Always move yourself to appropriate squad. (Ex: Haulers to hauler squad, miners to miner’s squads, Tankers to tanker squad, etc.)
Belts will be Permatanked 100% to ensure safety of miners (This means don’t kill the rats EVER)
Operations designated times may be extended or shortened at the call of Industry, and based on continuing participation.
Storage of minerals will be designated at the beginning of operation. (Ex: Ops in S25CK - All ice and ore will be dropped in lower hangars at 7-2 pos. Station Ops - all Ore or Ice will go into station and be traded to the Operations Leader at the end or by contract during the Operation.
Always be aligned with engines off toward a station or POS.
Gates will be Bubbled 30 to 60 minutes before the Op begins to help ensure miners safety.
Most IMPORTANT RULE: Always keep an eye on Alliance chat and Local chat - We cannot always stop reds from coming in our systems, but we try our best.
Last thing - HAVE SOME FUN!
Recap evemail will be mailed out to the Alliance stating what was collected.
Rat Loot Hunt Competition
Teams = Corp. members (Corps can combine teams)
Loot Turned in is only from collect loot during designated Op times. You will have 30 minutes after the operation to move the loot to BR and trade to the Operation Leader.
Loot is designated by anything a NPC rat can drop.
Team totals are designated by the amount of M3 of loot turned in.
Grand Prize = 50 million isk to be split between team members how they choose.
Recap Evemail will be mailed out to the Alliance stating the winner and runner ups, and will also state the amount of minerals collected from meltdown.
Moon Minerals, Simple Reactions, and Complex Reactions
Report to Minsebstor on what moon minerals and reactions your corp. is producing.
Contract any moon minerals, and reactions that you want donated to fade20
By working together on reactions this will keep isk flowing within the Alliance - Why go buy another simple reaction or moon mineral when someone in the Alliance is already mining it or producing it? Help build the future of Sylph.
Helpful links for Industry Folks:
Eve Online Guides for POS setup, and ETC.: http://support.eve-online.com/Pages/KB/Article.aspx?id=158
Moon Minerals and Reaction: http://www.thebabushka.com/eve-online
Ore Refining Amounts: http://eve.grismar.net/ore/full.php
Ore Refining Calculator: http://eve.coldfront.net/refine
Manufacturing Link: http://evefiles.mysterious-mysteries.com/eve-online_science_and_industry_guide.html
Invention Link: http://http://evefiles.mysterious-mysteries.com/eveonline_science_and_industry_guide.htmleve.wikia.com/wiki/Invention
Exploration Link: http://evefiles.mysterious-mysteries.com/eve-online_science_and_industry_guide.html
Sylph Alliance Shares Q&A:
Q.) How many shares are available?
A.) 4,500 (overall)
Q.) How much do they cost?
A.) 10,000,000.00 ISK per share
Q.) Who can buy the shares initially?
A.) Any Sylph Alliance Member, no outsiders will be allowed.
Q.) Can my alt outside of Sylph buy shares?
A.) No, your main inside Sylph can buy them and you can then transfer to whatever toon you want to.
Q.) Can I sell my shares to someone outside the alliance?
A.) The game mechanics will allow you to.
Q.) What will the alliance do with the ISK generated?
A.) Build an Outpost or two depending on the number of shares sold.
Q.) When do I start seeing a payout on my shares?
A.) 1 month after the outpost is operational
Q.) What is the rate of return?
A.) 25% of alliance profits for the first 6 months and 15% thereafter. Taxes are not included in this figure.
Q.) Will the rates ever change?
A.) There is no plan for this to change at this time.
Q.) How will the shares be distributed?
A.) First come, first serve
Q.) Who do I contact about purchasing the shares?
A.) Mazzdreg is the authorized distributor of the shares. He will work with you on his bank alt, “Clone 641725” to make sure that you get the number of shares requested based on availability.
Q.) How is the distribution of the shares going to be processed?
A.) Mazzdreg will initiate a forum post in the alliance market section of the forums and all orders will be processed according to the posting date as long as the ISK is already transferred. When you transfer the ISK, transfer them to the character “Clone 641725” with a note on how many shares you are purchasing. This character is Mazzdregs' bank alt. No Note, no share transfer and the next in line will be processed.
Q.) What if Mazzdreg is not online?
A.) Send him an in-game mail and he will process it at his next earliest opportunity. In accordance with the process mentioned above.
Q.) I have the shares now and I want to sell them back to the alliance, can I do this?
A.) Yes, if you wish to sell your shares back to the alliance, they can be bought at 80% of the initial purchase price.
Q.) Will the alliance ever want to buy back the shares on their own?
A.) Possibly. If this does come to pass then the alliance will offer 120% of the initial purchase price.
Q.) What happens if I leave the alliance and I still own shares?
A.) Nothing, you still get your distribution. Even if you turn red you will still get your distribution, but I would not count on being able to enter and leave Sylph space with your ship intact. You would be a red after all.
Q.) What if all the available shares are sold, will there be more?
A.) There is no reason at this time to create additional shares.
Q.) Will the alliance always payout on the shares?
A.) Yes, but with the following disclaimer: The Alliance withholds the right to discontinue payout, and the deletion of shares only in the case of: Dissolution, a unanimous vote of all CEO’s (or recognized representative) within the allotted voting window of 14 days, the Alliance becomes bankrupt due to War expenses.
Sylph FLEET:
Topics Covered:
Overview Settings
4) Ship Setup
B) Response
Getting Safe
Reporting Hostiles
Joining a Gang
C) Communications
D) Discipline
E) Movement
Rapid Deploy
F) Combat
Ship Types
Ship Roles
Comms while in combat
G) Command
H) Conclusion
Preparation - What to do before pvp
Overview Settings
You need to ensure that your overview is set correctly.
It should be filtered to only show neutral and hostile ships.
It should be sorted alphabetically.
CSPA Charge
Make sure you have disabled your CSPA charge:
Open your mail
Right click on inbox, click settings, set your CSPA charge to 0
Auto targeting is bad; it stops people shooting the primary
Make sure it is turned off:
Press escape to bring up the main menu
Go to the generic tab
Set auto-target back (bottom left) to 0 targets
Ship Setup
You should never undock what you cannot afford to lose
Make sure your ship is fitted for pvp - for more advice please see the ship setups on the wiki, or ask a corp mate
Response - How to respond when hostiles show up
Always watch local for any hostiles
Always watch intel channels for any reports of hostiles
Getting Safe
Your first priority is to get safe
You should immediately safe spot your ship
If you can, safe spot at a friendly POS, or use a cloak
If you cannot get to a POS or cloak, you should keep creating new safe spots and moving to them, to avoid being probed down
Reporting Hostiles
If the hostiles are in your system, report them in an intel channel such as Alliance Catch---22 or other sanctioned intel channels
Be as specific as possible; give numbers, link names, and if possible, provide ship types
Joining the Gang
X up in the correct channel, by typing an x and your ship type, e.g. "X, Raven"
Join the correct Vent channel
Implants & Rigs
Under NO circumstances will any financial compensation from Fleet Command will be given for lost Rigs or Implants.
You’re going into PvP only risk things you can AFFORD to lose!
Communications - How to communicate in a fleet
Sylph Provides a Ventrillio Server for voice comms
It is vital that communications are kept clear for the FC
The only people talking on Ventrillio should be the FC and those with important intel
Important intel is information on the locations of hostiles, or information the FC has specifically asked for
If you are reporting intel, Keep it terse, accurate, and begin by saying "intel"
For example, "Intel: 10 hostiles jumping from Gelf into Atlar"
If you have a question, like where the rally point is, ask in gang chat
FC’s will use the Fleet Commanders Channel for comms between themselves by using a phantom
Why do we have Vent?
a) Can be used by anyone who officially runs gangs.
b) Allows Commanders to communicate without the rest of the gang hearing
c) Allows Gang lead to ask for help or advice without undermining their status within the gang
d) Allows other commanders to inform the gang lead he has his head in the silly ideas cupboard without undermining him.
The Phantom channel means that a gang lead is not sticking his neck out on his own and has support to back him/her up, it can also relieve some of the pressure of command, whilst maintaining the authority of the gang lead.
How to do it:
Right on the Channel name and select Miscellaneous > Add / Remove Phantom
You can now listen to the channel, to talk you have o set a hotkey.
Click the Right arrow at the top of the screen next to Bindings.
Click ADD and select a new name for your Bindings profile and hit OK.
Click ADD and make sure "PTT Advanced" is selected.
Press the key you want to use as your Phantom Hot Key (Shift and Ctrl are BAD). I use Alt Gr.
Click OK - You then have to select the Channel this key activates. Click the square with three dots next to Channel name.
Select Fleet Operations/Fleet Commanders. Click ADD and OK, followed by OK again, and then a third time.
You now have to select your active Bindings, At the top select your Bindings from the dropdown list.
Now we are set up.
The bad thing with Vent is that it doesn't remember your Bindings Profile name last used so you have to select it EVERY time you start Vent.
A few Words on Phantom Etiquette
If an Op is running you should ONLY talk in the phantom channel if you have something IMPORTANT to say.
To avoid confusing the FC and everyone else when you talk in the Phantom channel PREFIX your sentence with "SHUSH". This way everyone will know that you are speaking in the FC channel and can respond accordingly.
Discipline - Who's in charge
Always obey the FC, even if he orders you to do something that will result in your ship being destroyed
Do not talk over the FC or tell him what to do
If the FC dies, he should appoint someone to take over the fleet for him
Movement - How to move in a fleet
To "align", or to "battle speed", to an object, you must be approaching it at full speed
This will ensure you warp immediately when the FC initiates a gang warp
Locate the object (usually a star gate) which you are aligning to, and double click just below it (in the main game window)
You should start moving towards the object, if not, try again. Make sure you are clicking below the icon, not on it
Only jump through a gate if the FC tells you to
If the FC tells you to "jump on contact" while you are in warp, that means you jump as soon as you come out of warp
Rapid Deploy
If the FC orders you to "rapid deploy", this means you warp and jump as quickly as possible, and without waiting for the fleet
If the FC orders you to warp to a location "at optimal", you warp your ship to its optimal range
Combat - How to kill things
Types of ship - There are five main categories, although these are just vague groups:
Tacklers - Small fast ships, designed to scramble and web hostiles
Ewar - Ships which dampen, jam, disrupt or use other electronic warfare on hostiles
DPS - Ships which are designed to do maximum damage to hostiles
Snipers - Ships which do high damage from above 150km (not including missile boats)
Other - Can include scouts, interdictors, logistics and carriers
Roles - Each category has a different role in the fleet:
Tackler - Prevent hostiles from escaping
Ensure the primary target is tackled
If it is, try and lock down the secondary and tertiary targets too
If no targets are locked down or called, tackle one and announce it on vent, by saying "point on [target name]," e.g. "Point on Tomeus"
Ewar - Disrupt the hostiles, to prevent them damaging allies
2 Ewar modules per target
Select targets below your name alphabetically, e.g. Alan targets Andy and Bob, Neil targets Nick and Mark
DPS (but not ewar) goes on primary target
DPS - Do as much damage as possible
All damage on primary target
Snipers - Do as much damage as possible, while staying too far from the enemy to be tackled
All damage on primary target
Missiles switch to secondary target once primary target enters structure
Always be aligned, ready to warp out if you start taking damage or hostiles get close to tackling range
Other - Various roles, depending on the ship
The FC will call primary targets, as well as secondary and tertiary targets
It is VITAL that all damage is put on the primary target
Do NOT shoot at other targets than the primary, even if you think you can take it out yourself
Comms while in combat
It is especially important to keep the comms clear while in combat
The only person talking should be the FC and target callers
Even if you are taking damage or have died, do not report this on vent
Never loot a wreck, friendly or hostile, unless the FC gives you permission to
Requirements for Fleet Commanders
To lead gangs (this will mean dropping what you are doing at the time, if you are online and active this is expected of you)
To keep an eye on intel channels
Make sure that alliance members are not putting their selfs in danger unnecessarily
If hostile(s) come within 4 jumps of our space form gang ( and either intercept or hold at station ready.. with this use the Sylph Fleet Lead channel to state you are forming)
To give advice to Skirmish Commanders when they need it and mentor when they are assisting in your gang
Write reports on what’s happened in your gang
Kill enemy ships
Requirements for Skirmish Commanders
To lead gangs (this will mean dropping what you are doing at the time, if you are online and active this is expected of you)
To keep an eye on intel channels
Form gangs of cruiser and below
If hostile(s) come within 4 jumps of our space form gang ( and either intercept or hold at station ready.. with this use the Sylph Fleet Lead channel to state you are forming)
If you need help ask for it
Write reports on what’s happened in your gang
Kill enemy ships
Listed below are the ship types that can be used and by who
Capital ship and below
b)Fleet FC's
Battleship and below (cap ships with permission off an admiral)
c) Skirmish Commanders
Cruiser and below
Clarification for ship classes that are authorized for Skirmish Commanders
Assault Frigates
Heavy Assault Cruisers
Heavy Interdictors
Electronic Attack Ships
Covert ops frigates
Recon Ships
Please note that this means for the rest of the alliance you MUST maintain a few cruisers or frigates in prom or in a POS close to prom, 30 minutes ratting is all it would take for you to buy and fit 2 cruisers so there shouldn't be anyone without a cruiser
Please read and learn what's in this guide. It is a lot, but once you understand it you'll be able to be an effective part of any fleet engagement. If there's anything you don't understand, don't be ashamed, but please ask an FC or other proficient PvP Pilot who has established him/herself. The whole idea of this information is to provide everyone with a basic understanding of pvp, not to try and point out that you don't know anything. Above all, while in a fleet, be courteous. Don't do the things that mark you out, don't talk on vent, don't annoy people, and don’t pretend you know best. Follow the FC's orders and chances are you'll make it out on the other side.
I would like to thank all FC’s past and present for their ideas and tutorials that were compiled to create this Fleet portion of the Sylph Alliance Handbook. {Gigs, Secretary of Defense, Sylph Alliance}
Crime & punishment in sylph alliance:
Treason (defined as passing intel to outside people/organizations)
Any player of any Corp that is confirmed passing intel will condem that corporation to be removed from the Alliance and set red IMMEDIATELY upon verification.
Disrespect of Fellow Sylph Alliance Members
If any member of a corporation becomes disrespectful towards another member of the Alliance then the entire corporation will be placed on probation for 1 week.
If it happens again from any member within the corporation on probation then the corporation will immediately be removed from the Alliance upon verification.
If it happens again the week after the probation has been lifted then the entire corporation will be placed on 30 day probation.
The only option for lifting the probation early or avoiding being removed from the alliance immediately is that the member is removed from the corporation in question. The senior member of the corporation must be able to provide confirmation of the removal prior to the probation being lifted. If after 48 hours the member is still within the corporation, then the corporation will remain on probation or be removed immediately as the phase of punishment dictates.
Targeting a Sylph Member
Any Sylph member that targets another Sylph member without their express permission to do so will be subject to the following:
The entire corporation will be placed on probation for 1 week.
If it happens again from any member within the corporation on probation then the corporation will immediately be removed from the Alliance upon verification.
If it happens again the week after the probation has been lifted then the entire corporation will be placed on 30 day probation.
The only option for lifting the probation early or avoiding being removed from the alliance immediately is that the member is removed from the corporation in question. The senior member of the corporation must be able to provide confirmation of the removal prior to the probation being lifted. If after 48 hours the member is still within the corporation, then the corporation will remain on probation or be removed immediately as the phase of punishment dictates.
Smack Talk
Will not be tolerated. This includes “tactical smack” as it encourages others that it is okay to do this and hide under that concept. If you cannot keep yourself from talking trash then save everyone the trouble and just go ahead and leave Sylph Alliance.
If a member is found to be smack-talking the entire corporation will be placed on probation for 1 week.
If it happens again from any member within the corporation on probation then the corporation will immediately be removed from the Alliance upon verification.
If it happens again the week after the probation has been lifted then the entire corporation will be placed on 30 day probation.
The only option for lifting the probation early or avoiding being removed from the alliance immediately is that the member is removed from the corporation in question. The senior member of the corporation must be able to provide confirmation of the removal prior to the probation being lifted. If after 48 hours the member is still within the corporation, then the corporation will remain on probation or be removed immediately as the phase of punishment dictates.
Swearing, Vulgar Language, and Lewd Comments
Will not be tolerated in the public channels of the alliance. All comments in Sylph Public channels must be “G” Rated. There are other “Adult” channels where this is not moderated if you must get it out of your system. Sylph Adult is just one such channel. This policy also applies to the public or generic vent channels. Corp specific vent channels are not placed under this policy.
If a member is found to be breaking this rule more than twice after being told to stop in a single week time frame, the entire corporation will be placed on probation for 1 week.
Use of the “F” word is an automatic probation for the corporation.
If it happens again from any member within the corporation on probation then the corporation will immediately be removed from the Alliance upon verification.
If it happens again the week after the probation has been lifted then the entire corporation will be placed on 30 day probation.
The only option for lifting the probation early or avoiding being removed from the alliance immediately is that the member is removed from the corporation in question. The senior member of the corporation must be able to provide confirmation of the removal prior to the probation being lifted. If after 48 hours the member is still within the corporation, then the corporation will remain on probation or be removed immediately as the phase of punishment dictates.
PS. 死ぬよこれ、まじで。
Sylph Alliance Leadership:
Sylph operates as an oligarchy. Nine seats are to govern the Alliance. The seats are as follows:
President of Sylph: Drakmor
Alliance Operations: 2 Seats
Praetorian Warrior
Fleet Operation: 2 Seats
Industrial Operations: 2 Seats
Diplomatic Operations: 2 Seats
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The Order of Succession is paramount in an organization of this size. In the event of an absence of the President, in the event of a tie vote the order of succession will be used to determine who will act as President. The Executor of Operations with the greatest seniority as a member of Sylph will act as President. The intent of this directive is to ensure an odd member of executors on all directives thereby ensuring a clear result on all voting actions.
Roles and Responsibilities:
(The role of the President is to set direction for the alliance and moderate the discussion of the Executors. He may only execute his vote if there is a tie present in the Executor Council.)
Oversight and Review of all Executors
Defining strategic goals
Cast vote in the event of a tie in the Executor’s Council
Lend a hand where needed in staffing and support of all 4 Executor offices
Executor of Operations
Manage all corporations executives
Define and collect tithes and taxes
Ensure alliance assets are marshaled and available for Fleet and Industry
Ensure communication with all corporation leadership
Executor of Fleet:
Manage all Fleet resources
Super Capitals
Large ships
Small ships
Establish training manuals an formal standing military arm of Sylph
Maintain standards of operations
Coordinate Military operations
Asses military threats
Define resources to maintain operational tempo (Manpower/Ships)
Evaluate military condition of Sylph and report weekly
Executor Industry
Manage all alliance industrial objectives
Utilize resources provided by operations to achieve objectives
Report on market opportunities as present
Define resources to meet fleet and industrial needs
Evaluate financial condition of Sylph and report weekly
Executor Diplomacy
Maintain steady flow of new corporation to Sylph
Train and indoctrinate new corps on sylph policy and conduct hand off from diplomacy to operations once new corp status is translated into full corp status
Manage inter corp relations
Manage Alliance relations with neighbors
Define current Blue/Red conditions
Maintain Positive Sylph presence on the private and public forums
Report on PR issues as they reflect on sylph
Administrative Notes:
Need’s will be defined by Fleet, Industry and the President. Those needs will be met by Operations. Latitude is at the discretion of Operations when considering how to marshal the resources of the alliance. Weekly and biweekly discussion with CEO’s will enable the operations team to resolve problems.
Ratting Policy:
While in Sylph space the following ratting rules apply:
Chain the Belts
If there are 2 Battleships and 3 others you can kill both battleships and 2 of the others. Leave at least one ship in the belt from a double battleship spawn alive.
If there is only 1 battleship in the spawn then you can wipe the entire spawn.
If there are no battleships in the spawn you can wipe the entire spawn.
Clean up your Belt
Loot and salvage any wreck that you produce
Destroy the wreck
Notify someone that they can salvage and loot your wreck, (you are still responsible for the wreck until it is removed however)
Chat Channel Policy:
All Non-Corp Specific Chat Channels to include Local
Foul language will not be tolerated.
Smack talk will not be tolerated.
No friendly fleet movements are to be announced.
Jumpbridge/POS Passwords are not to be announced.
This is an intel channel only not a social chat channel.
Report Reds in this channel.
The alliance social channel.
Any type of respectful conversation can be held here.
This is the CVA intel channel.
Report Reds in this channel.
This is the Sylph Sponsored intel channel
Report Reds in this channel.
CEO Council
This channel is for CEO’s can the senior Corp leadership to meet together and with Alliance Leadership.
Other channels
There are other channels within the alliance and you will be invited as needed into the specific channel if required.
Empire Operations:
Sylph Alliance is a 0.0 based Alliance and as such “ANY” Empire operation conducted by an individual corporation does so at its own risk. The alliance does not support “ANY” empire operation that the individual corporation may be involved with/conducting.
War Declarations:
Sylph Alliance is a 0.0 based Alliance and as such “ANY” Empire operation conducted by an individual corporation does so at its own risk. The alliance does not support “ANY” empire operation that the individual corporation may be involved with/conducting. While Sylph Alliance is involved in a war comply with the following:
There is 24 hours prior to the start of the war, gather large quantities of Empire goods and move them to 0.0 so that required trips to Empire are reduced.
Stop all Empire Operations.
Use out of alliance characters to transport POS fuel.
Work with other corps within the alliance for the transport of large items.
If a trip is needed into Empire then go in a full PVP fleet for security.
War Decs will last as long as the easy kills continue.
No Empire POS’s will be supported as Sylph is a 0.0 Alliance.
i.e. if your empire pos comes under attack during a war then you are on your own to defend it.
If you get into combat in Empire you are on your own.
Forum Policy:
At no time will flaming be tolerated.
Post professional conversations and be mature about responses.
Foul language will not be tolerated.
All corporation members are required to register.
All registrations must follow the same naming convention: [corp ticker] ingame name.
Example: [CSDW] Drakmor
Failure to follow the naming convention will result in your registration being deleted until you register correctly.
Below are some additional guidelines for forum use. Adherence to these guidelines should help bring fruitful discussions to the forums, while avoiding flaming and sniping.
Threads are started for many reasons. To inform. To ask questions. To provoke discussion on an issue or topic of interest. To debate. To explore. So we need to put the most thought into WHY we started a thread. Did we start it for any of these reasons? If not - why are we posting it at all? Think about why you are posting and give yourself an honest answer. Because if you can't come up with a good reason for making the post, people who read it probably won't either.
Thread titles are important. Sensationalism in a thread title can provoke interest, but go overboard with it and it becomes like the boy who cried wolf. Factual thread titles are useful. If people want to search for the subject matter then it really helps people find the thread again. Especially if there is new information to add, or they want to link to it in a tangential thread. So funny is good, sensational isn't bad, bizarre is okay, informative is excellent. Informative + any of the other things is probably the best there is. Keeping them reasonably short and to the point is an excellent idea as well. Remember, those with lower resolutions read this forum as well and borking their screen with huge strings of long titles isn't very nice. Shouting (using all capitals), also isn't considered very polite in thread titles, or in the bulk of your thread.
The OP, or opening post, is the most important post in any thread. It sets the tone of the thread, and is often the only thing people will read. This is unfortunate though. However the OP really can make or break a thread from the start. Linking information for information's sake is bad form. Found an interesting article about wolves and how they actually never attack humans? Great! But posting up the article without telling us how you feel about that isn't a good way of starting things off. Do you think this is a good thing? A bad thing? An interesting thing because it challenges your beliefs? Did your grandmother get eaten by a wolf which is why you find it interesting? This is all stuff that will help the thread evolve. News we can get from lots of sites on the net, personal opinion we can't. Even more important, opinion from other sylphians we can't get anywhere but here. We have a wonderful collection of people here, from all walks of life and with all sorts of past experiences. It's a wonderful resource for expanding your mind and opening yourself up to new and fresh ways of thinking about things. Use it.
Information without quoting sources is bad. Copy and paste is okay, but making sure you quote the link where the information came from is mandatory. That out of the way, if you are trying to discuss things, backing your arguments up with links for resources for those interested is a wonderful way of
Making yourself look smart
Giving people who are interested some things to look at they may not have seen before
Giving weight to your argument (as well as making yourself look smart).
Do your research. Asking a question in the OP that can be simply googled for or wiki'd is a sure fire way of creating a thread that just makes you look dumb. If you don't understand what is coming up - then ask. But show that you have at least put a little effort into finding out yourself.
Don't make yourself look like a troll. Controversial subjects are not verboten here, but be aware of what you are posting and that there may be vehemently dissenting opinion.
Killboard Policy:
All kills must be posted.
All losses must be posted.
No flaming will be tolerated on killmails.
Member Respect:
At no time will a member of Sylph engage in hostile action another Sylph pilot, (this includes simply locking), without the consent of the other member.
At no time will a member of Sylph treat another member with dis-respect or contempt.
If you have a problem with a member then either work it out individually on a professional level or bring your issue to the CEO of the corporation in question. Be prepared to produce chat-logs.
This applies to the forums as well.
Sylph Rules of Engagement (RoE):
SYLPH is “Not Red Don’t Shoot” (NRDS). This means if a character is not red to Sylph Alliance you cannot engage them unless they engage you first. No exceptions to this rule exist. Alliance standings are considered authoritative, and corp or personal standings are not to be considered for purposes of engagement.
It requires a Senior Fleet Commander or an Executive Committee member to authorize the shooting of a non-red pilot.
All corporations are requested to clear their current standings and adopt Sylph standings settings.
The following alliances should be set to +5 standings to your corporation to prevent friendly fire POS incidents:
Paxton Federation
(more to be added as needed)
In the CEO section of the forum there is a subforum dealing with Sylph alt corps who should have standings set to +10. Please confirm each standing in its respective thread.
All members are of course to defend themselves in cases of aggression.
Please post all incidents to the standings forums so we can get folks set red who need to be.
This ROE is not open for discussion, debate and/or dispute. CEO's please make sure your members are informed as it will not be changing.
Industrial Operations:
Industry Executor: Aaquille
Asst. Industry Executor: Minsebstor
Ingame Chat Channel: Sylph Industry Chat (PW = muffin)
Main Operations Based @ BR-N97 Station (Mortarion Curze)
All Industry Operations will be announced by ingame mail, and posted in the Sylph Industry Chat MOTD.
Industry Donations can be contracted to Fries Withthat
Mining Operations (Ore & Ice)
Fleeting up will begin 15 to 30 min prior to start of Operation.
Orders will be conducted on Ventrillo (Mining Chans). Chat is allowed unless someone says CLEAR COMS. (This means something important needs to be relayed to the Operation.
Fleet Squads will be named. Free move will be on. Always move yourself to appropriate squad. (Ex: Haulers to hauler squad, miners to miner’s squads, Tankers to tanker squad, etc.)
Belts will be Permatanked 100% to ensure safety of miners (This means don’t kill the rats EVER)
Operations designated times may be extended or shortened at the call of Industry, and based on continuing participation.
Storage of minerals will be designated at the beginning of operation. (Ex: Ops in S25CK - All ice and ore will be dropped in lower hangars at 7-2 pos. Station Ops - all Ore or Ice will go into station and be traded to the Operations Leader at the end or by contract during the Operation.
Always be aligned with engines off toward a station or POS.
Gates will be Bubbled 30 to 60 minutes before the Op begins to help ensure miners safety.
Most IMPORTANT RULE: Always keep an eye on Alliance chat and Local chat - We cannot always stop reds from coming in our systems, but we try our best.
Last thing - HAVE SOME FUN!
Recap evemail will be mailed out to the Alliance stating what was collected.
Rat Loot Hunt Competition
Teams = Corp. members (Corps can combine teams)
Loot Turned in is only from collect loot during designated Op times. You will have 30 minutes after the operation to move the loot to BR and trade to the Operation Leader.
Loot is designated by anything a NPC rat can drop.
Team totals are designated by the amount of M3 of loot turned in.
Grand Prize = 50 million isk to be split between team members how they choose.
Recap Evemail will be mailed out to the Alliance stating the winner and runner ups, and will also state the amount of minerals collected from meltdown.
Moon Minerals, Simple Reactions, and Complex Reactions
Report to Minsebstor on what moon minerals and reactions your corp. is producing.
Contract any moon minerals, and reactions that you want donated to fade20
By working together on reactions this will keep isk flowing within the Alliance - Why go buy another simple reaction or moon mineral when someone in the Alliance is already mining it or producing it? Help build the future of Sylph.
Helpful links for Industry Folks:
Eve Online Guides for POS setup, and ETC.: http://support.eve-online.com/Pages/KB/Article.aspx?id=158
Moon Minerals and Reaction: http://www.thebabushka.com/eve-online
Ore Refining Amounts: http://eve.grismar.net/ore/full.php
Ore Refining Calculator: http://eve.coldfront.net/refine
Manufacturing Link: http://evefiles.mysterious-mysteries.com/eve-online_science_and_industry_guide.html
Invention Link: http://http://evefiles.mysterious-mysteries.com/eveonline_science_and_industry_guide.htmleve.wikia.com/wiki/Invention
Exploration Link: http://evefiles.mysterious-mysteries.com/eve-online_science_and_industry_guide.html
Sylph Alliance Shares Q&A:
Q.) How many shares are available?
A.) 4,500 (overall)
Q.) How much do they cost?
A.) 10,000,000.00 ISK per share
Q.) Who can buy the shares initially?
A.) Any Sylph Alliance Member, no outsiders will be allowed.
Q.) Can my alt outside of Sylph buy shares?
A.) No, your main inside Sylph can buy them and you can then transfer to whatever toon you want to.
Q.) Can I sell my shares to someone outside the alliance?
A.) The game mechanics will allow you to.
Q.) What will the alliance do with the ISK generated?
A.) Build an Outpost or two depending on the number of shares sold.
Q.) When do I start seeing a payout on my shares?
A.) 1 month after the outpost is operational
Q.) What is the rate of return?
A.) 25% of alliance profits for the first 6 months and 15% thereafter. Taxes are not included in this figure.
Q.) Will the rates ever change?
A.) There is no plan for this to change at this time.
Q.) How will the shares be distributed?
A.) First come, first serve
Q.) Who do I contact about purchasing the shares?
A.) Mazzdreg is the authorized distributor of the shares. He will work with you on his bank alt, “Clone 641725” to make sure that you get the number of shares requested based on availability.
Q.) How is the distribution of the shares going to be processed?
A.) Mazzdreg will initiate a forum post in the alliance market section of the forums and all orders will be processed according to the posting date as long as the ISK is already transferred. When you transfer the ISK, transfer them to the character “Clone 641725” with a note on how many shares you are purchasing. This character is Mazzdregs' bank alt. No Note, no share transfer and the next in line will be processed.
Q.) What if Mazzdreg is not online?
A.) Send him an in-game mail and he will process it at his next earliest opportunity. In accordance with the process mentioned above.
Q.) I have the shares now and I want to sell them back to the alliance, can I do this?
A.) Yes, if you wish to sell your shares back to the alliance, they can be bought at 80% of the initial purchase price.
Q.) Will the alliance ever want to buy back the shares on their own?
A.) Possibly. If this does come to pass then the alliance will offer 120% of the initial purchase price.
Q.) What happens if I leave the alliance and I still own shares?
A.) Nothing, you still get your distribution. Even if you turn red you will still get your distribution, but I would not count on being able to enter and leave Sylph space with your ship intact. You would be a red after all.
Q.) What if all the available shares are sold, will there be more?
A.) There is no reason at this time to create additional shares.
Q.) Will the alliance always payout on the shares?
A.) Yes, but with the following disclaimer: The Alliance withholds the right to discontinue payout, and the deletion of shares only in the case of: Dissolution, a unanimous vote of all CEO’s (or recognized representative) within the allotted voting window of 14 days, the Alliance becomes bankrupt due to War expenses.
Sylph FLEET:
Topics Covered:
Overview Settings
4) Ship Setup
B) Response
Getting Safe
Reporting Hostiles
Joining a Gang
C) Communications
D) Discipline
E) Movement
Rapid Deploy
F) Combat
Ship Types
Ship Roles
Comms while in combat
G) Command
H) Conclusion
Preparation - What to do before pvp
Overview Settings
You need to ensure that your overview is set correctly.
It should be filtered to only show neutral and hostile ships.
It should be sorted alphabetically.
CSPA Charge
Make sure you have disabled your CSPA charge:
Open your mail
Right click on inbox, click settings, set your CSPA charge to 0
Auto targeting is bad; it stops people shooting the primary
Make sure it is turned off:
Press escape to bring up the main menu
Go to the generic tab
Set auto-target back (bottom left) to 0 targets
Ship Setup
You should never undock what you cannot afford to lose
Make sure your ship is fitted for pvp - for more advice please see the ship setups on the wiki, or ask a corp mate
Response - How to respond when hostiles show up
Always watch local for any hostiles
Always watch intel channels for any reports of hostiles
Getting Safe
Your first priority is to get safe
You should immediately safe spot your ship
If you can, safe spot at a friendly POS, or use a cloak
If you cannot get to a POS or cloak, you should keep creating new safe spots and moving to them, to avoid being probed down
Reporting Hostiles
If the hostiles are in your system, report them in an intel channel such as Alliance Catch---22 or other sanctioned intel channels
Be as specific as possible; give numbers, link names, and if possible, provide ship types
Joining the Gang
X up in the correct channel, by typing an x and your ship type, e.g. "X, Raven"
Join the correct Vent channel
Implants & Rigs
Under NO circumstances will any financial compensation from Fleet Command will be given for lost Rigs or Implants.
You’re going into PvP only risk things you can AFFORD to lose!
Communications - How to communicate in a fleet
Sylph Provides a Ventrillio Server for voice comms
It is vital that communications are kept clear for the FC
The only people talking on Ventrillio should be the FC and those with important intel
Important intel is information on the locations of hostiles, or information the FC has specifically asked for
If you are reporting intel, Keep it terse, accurate, and begin by saying "intel"
For example, "Intel: 10 hostiles jumping from Gelf into Atlar"
If you have a question, like where the rally point is, ask in gang chat
FC’s will use the Fleet Commanders Channel for comms between themselves by using a phantom
Why do we have Vent?
a) Can be used by anyone who officially runs gangs.
b) Allows Commanders to communicate without the rest of the gang hearing
c) Allows Gang lead to ask for help or advice without undermining their status within the gang
d) Allows other commanders to inform the gang lead he has his head in the silly ideas cupboard without undermining him.
The Phantom channel means that a gang lead is not sticking his neck out on his own and has support to back him/her up, it can also relieve some of the pressure of command, whilst maintaining the authority of the gang lead.
How to do it:
Right on the Channel name and select Miscellaneous > Add / Remove Phantom
You can now listen to the channel, to talk you have o set a hotkey.
Click the Right arrow at the top of the screen next to Bindings.
Click ADD and select a new name for your Bindings profile and hit OK.
Click ADD and make sure "PTT Advanced" is selected.
Press the key you want to use as your Phantom Hot Key (Shift and Ctrl are BAD). I use Alt Gr.
Click OK - You then have to select the Channel this key activates. Click the square with three dots next to Channel name.
Select Fleet Operations/Fleet Commanders. Click ADD and OK, followed by OK again, and then a third time.
You now have to select your active Bindings, At the top select your Bindings from the dropdown list.
Now we are set up.
The bad thing with Vent is that it doesn't remember your Bindings Profile name last used so you have to select it EVERY time you start Vent.
A few Words on Phantom Etiquette
If an Op is running you should ONLY talk in the phantom channel if you have something IMPORTANT to say.
To avoid confusing the FC and everyone else when you talk in the Phantom channel PREFIX your sentence with "SHUSH". This way everyone will know that you are speaking in the FC channel and can respond accordingly.
Discipline - Who's in charge
Always obey the FC, even if he orders you to do something that will result in your ship being destroyed
Do not talk over the FC or tell him what to do
If the FC dies, he should appoint someone to take over the fleet for him
Movement - How to move in a fleet
To "align", or to "battle speed", to an object, you must be approaching it at full speed
This will ensure you warp immediately when the FC initiates a gang warp
Locate the object (usually a star gate) which you are aligning to, and double click just below it (in the main game window)
You should start moving towards the object, if not, try again. Make sure you are clicking below the icon, not on it
Only jump through a gate if the FC tells you to
If the FC tells you to "jump on contact" while you are in warp, that means you jump as soon as you come out of warp
Rapid Deploy
If the FC orders you to "rapid deploy", this means you warp and jump as quickly as possible, and without waiting for the fleet
If the FC orders you to warp to a location "at optimal", you warp your ship to its optimal range
Combat - How to kill things
Types of ship - There are five main categories, although these are just vague groups:
Tacklers - Small fast ships, designed to scramble and web hostiles
Ewar - Ships which dampen, jam, disrupt or use other electronic warfare on hostiles
DPS - Ships which are designed to do maximum damage to hostiles
Snipers - Ships which do high damage from above 150km (not including missile boats)
Other - Can include scouts, interdictors, logistics and carriers
Roles - Each category has a different role in the fleet:
Tackler - Prevent hostiles from escaping
Ensure the primary target is tackled
If it is, try and lock down the secondary and tertiary targets too
If no targets are locked down or called, tackle one and announce it on vent, by saying "point on [target name]," e.g. "Point on Tomeus"
Ewar - Disrupt the hostiles, to prevent them damaging allies
2 Ewar modules per target
Select targets below your name alphabetically, e.g. Alan targets Andy and Bob, Neil targets Nick and Mark
DPS (but not ewar) goes on primary target
DPS - Do as much damage as possible
All damage on primary target
Snipers - Do as much damage as possible, while staying too far from the enemy to be tackled
All damage on primary target
Missiles switch to secondary target once primary target enters structure
Always be aligned, ready to warp out if you start taking damage or hostiles get close to tackling range
Other - Various roles, depending on the ship
The FC will call primary targets, as well as secondary and tertiary targets
It is VITAL that all damage is put on the primary target
Do NOT shoot at other targets than the primary, even if you think you can take it out yourself
Comms while in combat
It is especially important to keep the comms clear while in combat
The only person talking should be the FC and target callers
Even if you are taking damage or have died, do not report this on vent
Never loot a wreck, friendly or hostile, unless the FC gives you permission to
Requirements for Fleet Commanders
To lead gangs (this will mean dropping what you are doing at the time, if you are online and active this is expected of you)
To keep an eye on intel channels
Make sure that alliance members are not putting their selfs in danger unnecessarily
If hostile(s) come within 4 jumps of our space form gang ( and either intercept or hold at station ready.. with this use the Sylph Fleet Lead channel to state you are forming)
To give advice to Skirmish Commanders when they need it and mentor when they are assisting in your gang
Write reports on what’s happened in your gang
Kill enemy ships
Requirements for Skirmish Commanders
To lead gangs (this will mean dropping what you are doing at the time, if you are online and active this is expected of you)
To keep an eye on intel channels
Form gangs of cruiser and below
If hostile(s) come within 4 jumps of our space form gang ( and either intercept or hold at station ready.. with this use the Sylph Fleet Lead channel to state you are forming)
If you need help ask for it
Write reports on what’s happened in your gang
Kill enemy ships
Listed below are the ship types that can be used and by who
Capital ship and below
b)Fleet FC's
Battleship and below (cap ships with permission off an admiral)
c) Skirmish Commanders
Cruiser and below
Clarification for ship classes that are authorized for Skirmish Commanders
Assault Frigates
Heavy Assault Cruisers
Heavy Interdictors
Electronic Attack Ships
Covert ops frigates
Recon Ships
Please note that this means for the rest of the alliance you MUST maintain a few cruisers or frigates in prom or in a POS close to prom, 30 minutes ratting is all it would take for you to buy and fit 2 cruisers so there shouldn't be anyone without a cruiser
Please read and learn what's in this guide. It is a lot, but once you understand it you'll be able to be an effective part of any fleet engagement. If there's anything you don't understand, don't be ashamed, but please ask an FC or other proficient PvP Pilot who has established him/herself. The whole idea of this information is to provide everyone with a basic understanding of pvp, not to try and point out that you don't know anything. Above all, while in a fleet, be courteous. Don't do the things that mark you out, don't talk on vent, don't annoy people, and don’t pretend you know best. Follow the FC's orders and chances are you'll make it out on the other side.
I would like to thank all FC’s past and present for their ideas and tutorials that were compiled to create this Fleet portion of the Sylph Alliance Handbook. {Gigs, Secretary of Defense, Sylph Alliance}
Crime & punishment in sylph alliance:
Treason (defined as passing intel to outside people/organizations)
Any player of any Corp that is confirmed passing intel will condem that corporation to be removed from the Alliance and set red IMMEDIATELY upon verification.
Disrespect of Fellow Sylph Alliance Members
If any member of a corporation becomes disrespectful towards another member of the Alliance then the entire corporation will be placed on probation for 1 week.
If it happens again from any member within the corporation on probation then the corporation will immediately be removed from the Alliance upon verification.
If it happens again the week after the probation has been lifted then the entire corporation will be placed on 30 day probation.
The only option for lifting the probation early or avoiding being removed from the alliance immediately is that the member is removed from the corporation in question. The senior member of the corporation must be able to provide confirmation of the removal prior to the probation being lifted. If after 48 hours the member is still within the corporation, then the corporation will remain on probation or be removed immediately as the phase of punishment dictates.
Targeting a Sylph Member
Any Sylph member that targets another Sylph member without their express permission to do so will be subject to the following:
The entire corporation will be placed on probation for 1 week.
If it happens again from any member within the corporation on probation then the corporation will immediately be removed from the Alliance upon verification.
If it happens again the week after the probation has been lifted then the entire corporation will be placed on 30 day probation.
The only option for lifting the probation early or avoiding being removed from the alliance immediately is that the member is removed from the corporation in question. The senior member of the corporation must be able to provide confirmation of the removal prior to the probation being lifted. If after 48 hours the member is still within the corporation, then the corporation will remain on probation or be removed immediately as the phase of punishment dictates.
Smack Talk
Will not be tolerated. This includes “tactical smack” as it encourages others that it is okay to do this and hide under that concept. If you cannot keep yourself from talking trash then save everyone the trouble and just go ahead and leave Sylph Alliance.
If a member is found to be smack-talking the entire corporation will be placed on probation for 1 week.
If it happens again from any member within the corporation on probation then the corporation will immediately be removed from the Alliance upon verification.
If it happens again the week after the probation has been lifted then the entire corporation will be placed on 30 day probation.
The only option for lifting the probation early or avoiding being removed from the alliance immediately is that the member is removed from the corporation in question. The senior member of the corporation must be able to provide confirmation of the removal prior to the probation being lifted. If after 48 hours the member is still within the corporation, then the corporation will remain on probation or be removed immediately as the phase of punishment dictates.
Swearing, Vulgar Language, and Lewd Comments
Will not be tolerated in the public channels of the alliance. All comments in Sylph Public channels must be “G” Rated. There are other “Adult” channels where this is not moderated if you must get it out of your system. Sylph Adult is just one such channel. This policy also applies to the public or generic vent channels. Corp specific vent channels are not placed under this policy.
If a member is found to be breaking this rule more than twice after being told to stop in a single week time frame, the entire corporation will be placed on probation for 1 week.
Use of the “F” word is an automatic probation for the corporation.
If it happens again from any member within the corporation on probation then the corporation will immediately be removed from the Alliance upon verification.
If it happens again the week after the probation has been lifted then the entire corporation will be placed on 30 day probation.
The only option for lifting the probation early or avoiding being removed from the alliance immediately is that the member is removed from the corporation in question. The senior member of the corporation must be able to provide confirmation of the removal prior to the probation being lifted. If after 48 hours the member is still within the corporation, then the corporation will remain on probation or be removed immediately as the phase of punishment dictates.
PS. 死ぬよこれ、まじで。