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The IRC Manifesto
9/23/2008 3:50:13 PM

IRC has done what no one ever expected us to do. We have risen from the bottom of the alliances, driven out of Feythabolis by BoB, fleet decimated and all but destroyed, traversed to a new area, built our Outposts, bought or fought for our territory, and are now the 4th largest alliance in Eve. That's an amazing accomplishment. However, our rapid rise and expansion has not been without cost. Besides the financial and personal toll of long hours and the inability to do anything but build IRC, we have lost some of the cohesiveness and sense of community and unity that has always been the hallmark of IRC. We have become fragmented and have lost our sense of self, our focus. We have forgotten our primary goals: to build a strong 0.0 alliance capable of incredible industrial might, but also one in which "everybody fights" to protect our home and strengthen IRC! The goal is to become a true, respected power in Eve, capable of building everything through supercaps and taking and holding whatever space we call our own. It is time to get back to our roots, and start living up to that vision again. To that end, we introduce the ?new IRC? and proclaim this IRC Manifesto.

The focus of the new IRC will be on the pilots. But make no mistake - those pilots will not be coddled or handled with kid gloves. Rather, the pilots in the new IRC will be subject to a set of lofty expectations, but will be assured that their fellow pilots will be measured by the same set of rules. We will assemble pilots that like to fight together, like to "carebear" together, and have common shared goals. These pilots will be people that you want to be with in TS, who you are willing to subsume your own personal goals for so that the overall objectives can be met. The new IRC will have pilots that are focused on the group goals of the alliance first, followed by corporation goals, then personal goals. Each human alliance member will be expected to contribute as *both* a combat participant *and* as a member of our industrial operations.

The new IRC will be characterized by a willingness to stand up for what we believe in, even if it means fighting strong opponents. We will not sacrifice our honor and self-respect, which follow us outside of this game, for some fleeting game-world objective. We will put personal relationships and friendships ahead of petty in-game disputes. We will maintain respect for the *people* behind the EVE-online accounts, friend or foe, and together will go out and have

The new IRC will be characterized by the following:

1. Strong, centralized leadership. IRC has always been a dictatorship, but that will become much more obvious on a day-to-day basis. We will have a smaller number of corporations, run by leaders who believe 100% in the vision of the new IRC, and are willing to push their pilots to make us stronger. Those corporations have not been chosen ahead of time - we expect our current CEOs and directors to come forward, and convince us that you have what it takes to be part of the new IRC and that your goals are our goals.

2. Recruiting and security procedures will be much more rigorous. All new recruits for all IRC corporations must go through a period with a certified alliance training arm and meet specific criteria before graduating on to the IRC corporation of his or her choice. More stringent security procedures will be used, including security audits using the limited API key for all members, and full API key reviews for anyone with control over alliance infrastructure. These reviews will be continuous, with all members expected to maintain limited API keys "on file" with their corporate and alliance leadership.

3. All alliance members will be given concrete, measurable expectations in terms of skill training for their individual characters. Every human member of IRC, without exception, will be expected to maintain characters able to contribute to *both* the combat and industrial goals of the alliance. While a character may be a "dedicated" PvPers or "dedicated" industrialists, the person behind the character must also have an alt. capable of meeting the criteria for the other category. Everyone will contribute, in some way, to both the industrial core of the alliance and our ability to operate as an effective military unit.

4. We will set the bar high, and penalties will be administered in a way that preserves the dignity of our members, while still providing a deterrent. We will adopt a "(no more than) three strikes and you're out" mindset and will not tolerate people who *intentionally* disregard either the letter or spirit of the law.

5. We will be one alliance team, not a collection of scattered corporate teams. Corporations will retain individual goals and cultures, but will be expected to participate together in voice communications. There will be far fewer TS channels and most individual corporate channels will be abolished. The channels will be divided primarily by activity, not corporate membership. Mining and combat operations will, to the greatest extent practical, be joint, and we will maintain a culture of inclusion, rather than exclusion and cliquishness. "Private" voice communications servers will not be tolerated.

6. We will have stated alliance goals for the short-, mid- and long-term. While we desire input and suggestions on these goals and their implementation, the decisions rest with Oldma & Dibrle. Individuals also will be expected to set goals for themselves, and be held accountable for meeting them. The goals will be difficult, and we will expect everyone in the new IRC to work hard to meet them.

7. Dedicated Alliance ops. To be in the new IRC, means that you put the Alliance first. And you put yourself last. Individual corporations will have a diminished role. When we call a CTA (which will be a limited to special circumstances) 100% attendance of those online is expected and, if you are not usually online, a CTA means that you try to log in to help anyway. Other IRC Ops will be called for "Alliance needs" whether that be mining, or combat, or transport. Participation of all who are online is mandatory; it is not acceptable to say you want to mine or rat instead of help fight because you need the ISK.

8. Our alliance communications will be characterized by maturity, discipline, and respect. Everyone will know and enforce discipline in voice and chat communications, and will participate actively in the out-of-game forum. Criticism will be constructive, and we will always remain aware that there is a person behind the words, a person who is on our team.

Additional details will be given as things are fleshed out, but these are the basic tenets of the new IRC. Each CEO should within the next week contact Oldma to discuss whether his corporation will remain in IRC and what contributions his or her corporation can make to IRC

Although these principles have always been the underlying foundation of IRC, they became blurred with our rapid expansion and the constant effort that such required. It is time to recapture our vision and we are moving forward with these changes, effective immediately. Some IRC corporations and pilots may be unwilling to follow these principles and may depart IRC on good terms. Corporations seeking to become renters should contact Galaga immediately as there will be very limited space. Of course, you will be subject to our renter's rules.

We also understand, that within corporations that choose to leave, there will be members who would rather stay. Corporations are made up of individuals, and those individuals should be allowed to choose. We will open AWE to those members and encourage other corporations that stay in IRC to open their doors as well. We intend to provide a place within IRC for all who genuinely share our vision for the new IRC.


The following "clarification" was posted by me in the directors forum to answer a few questions:


To answer one other question, yes, this is basically a "this is the way it is going to be" proclamation. While there are still some details to iron out (for example, if an experienced pilot meets IRC criteria and passes a security check (one purpose of the limited API), then there may be no need for him to "serve time" in a training corp., such as PRCP or some other certified training corp. that will make sure IRC standards are maintained. Those criteria are being completed. Implementation of other rules will of necessity require some on the fly interpretation and no one is expected to set an alarm clock at 4:00 AM to start an op. Join XDeath for that! There will also be a TS channel for each corporation to discuss internal matters and there will be, as now, more than 1 IRC channel. But everyone will be part of the IRC team first or they must leave. If you are not committed first and foremost to strengthening IRC, please go.


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